Opposition to Clean Line's projects is now active and collaborating in seven states, and numbers in the thousands.
Ut-oh, Clean Line!
Read the Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance's letter to the editor of the Des Moines Register.
Opposition to Clean Line's projects is now active and collaborating in seven states, and numbers in the thousands. Ut-oh, Clean Line!
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FirstEnergy is at it again. Its affiliate JCP&L's "Montville-Whippany Reinforcement Project" not only gave the New Jersey towns of Parsippany and Montville the ol' bait and switch, it's deep into dividing and conquering both of the towns by throwing the focus on shoving the line off onto someone else and pitting neighbor against neighbor, instead of allowing BOTH towns to join forces and focus on the real enemy -- FirstEnemy... errr... Energy! Last year JCP&L held "open house" sessions for a route through Parsippany. The townsfolk jumped all over opposing the line, forming a grassroots opposition group and making a lot of noise. Last week, JCP&L held another series of open houses announcing they had selected a different route through neighboring Montville. Montville has already been ground zero for PSE&G's "Susquehanna Roseland" transmission project. I guess the geniuses at JCP&L think transmission lines are like potato chips -- you can never have just one? So, not only is Montville already an experienced transmission opposition warrior, but JCP&L had to go and enrage the town's leadership with its tired, old "open house" meeting format, which the mayor referred to as "the stations of the cross." The Committee expected the mayor to give an opening statement and then JCP&L would give their presentation, followed by a question-and-answer period. A committee member said that it turned out to be a JCP&L public relations presentation, and the company made no effort to discuss the problems and possible solutions. So, now the town will be holding its own public meeting, where residents and town leaders will make their own list of demands. The town expects JCP&L will subsequently negotiate modifications to the plan that would lessen impact on residents. Good luck, Montville, and remember, delay is your friend! :-)
Will the utilities ever learn? Their old routines no longer work on an increasingly educated and savvy public. The "open house" is no longer effective in dividing and neutralizing potential opposition. Heck, we use your stupid "open houses" as handy-dandy meet-n-greets to recruit new opposition. It's cheaper and easier when you all do the mailings and media to get affected landowners to a centralized location where they can be recruited by opposition groups. The only citizens who leave those meetings with a warm, fuzzy feeling are those who find out that their property is nowhere near the project. The rest of them leave confused, shell-shocked... and angry. And they form and join opposition groups that increase costs and delay projects, sometimes even causing the project to be abandoned. The days of running over the public with stupid PR tricks in order to build overhead transmission are over. The public demands transparency, integrity and better solutions. Time for a new schtick, FirstEnergy. Spending the better part of my week playing lawyer, paralegal, and legal secretary, all at the same time, wasn't much fun. However, I was thoroughly cheered to observe from time-to-time when I came up for a sanity break, that Clean Line Energy Partners was having a MUCH WORSE week than me! :-) All three of Clean Line's active projects took it in the shorts last week, in one form or another. This is the direct result of overwhelming, forthright and committed opposition in every state through which it intends to build its Rock Island Clean Line, Grain Belt Express and Plains & Eastern Clean Line projects. And to get there, it's taken an enormous amount of dedication, organization and hard work on the part of some savvy opposition leaders, and the help of everyone involved to raise this issue in the public dialogue. So, pat yourselves on the back, everyone! First, let's look at the Rock Island Clean Line project. It STILL has not been approved in Illinois, despite Clean Line's project leader telling newspapers it had been. It was on the Illinois Commerce Commission's agenda on Thursday, but, once again, the Commission kicked the decision down the roadfor another day. Clean Line had been telling folks that once it got approval in Illinois, it would file for its franchise in Iowa. Even though approval is still up in the air (and the proposed order of the ALJ did not recommend eminent domain authority at this time, along with a whole bunch of other hurdles that make the project much less viable) Clean Line went ahead and filed its applications in Iowa. The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance says that despite having land agents active in the community for the past year, the company still has only secured easements for 15% of the property it needs to build its line. Clean Line said the company will need to cross approximately 1,500 separate land parcels in Iowa to reach Illinois. So far, about 200 owners have signed agreements. That’s about 15 percent of the total needed. RICL is asking the Iowa Utilities Board to grant it eminent domain authority to condemn and take 85% of its route? Never going to happen. Usually, holdouts that require the use of eminent domain are few and far between. Never 85% of the landowners targeted! If these landowners continue to dig in their heels (and I expect they will) this project will be political poison. Turning now to Clean Line's Grain Belt Express project, evidentiary hearings got underway before the Missouri Public Service Commission this week. In addition to the various landowner groups and others opposing the project, the staff of the MO PSC has also adopted a position opposing the project: “As staff has set out in the position statements it filed last Friday, it is staff’s view that the evidence in this case will not show that the transmission line and converter stations are needed, economically feasible, or will promote the public interest in Missouri,” Williams tells the Commission. But Clean Line has an ace up its sleeve that it thinks will "turn a no into a yes." Clean Line turned to the Department of Energy and Section 1222 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The little-known provision would enable DOE to work through a federal power marketing administration and, in certain instances, condemn property required for easements. And this brings us to the third Clean Line project, its Plains & Eastern, that got thoroughly pummeled last week during a joint State Agencies and Governmental Affairs committees and joint Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development committees of the Arkansas legislature. Arkansas Rep. John Hutchinson's interim study presented a parade of experts, state agencies, and concerned citizens who spoke against the project for several hours. The Clean Line representative in attendance never spoke, but did manage to smirk at opportune moments. Because, you know, that arrogant little frat boy behavior just makes people want to love you, right Clean Line? The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports: "Game & Fish Commission Director Mike Knoedl said that bird deaths in the area would be 'astronomical' because of the high lines and towers, some as tall as 200 feet." Clean Line probably doesn't care who opposes their project in Arkansas though, since the company is planning to have the U.S. Dept. of Energy step in to take land from Arkansans under the federal Energy Policy Act, Sec. 1222. Unless Arkansas fights back... stay tuned!
I think the TVA has been reading too many fairy tales. In an abrupt about-face, the TVA produced a letter expressing "an interest in options" like Clean Line on Tuesday. The letter was sent to Clean Line just in time to be presented to the Tennessee Regulatory Authority at its evidentiary hearing on Clean Line's application yesterday. I smell a big, fat, political glad-handing rat. In July, the TVA sent a letter responding to Tennessee congressmen Alexander and Fincher that panned Clean Line. In a nutshell, the letter said that Clean Line presents economic and reliability issues for the TVA. Now, just 4 months later, TVA "encourages" the TRA to: ...provide the regulatory and other government review needed to move the project forward. What's changed? I think it might have been the employee who drafted the letter for Johnson's signature. This latest one sounds to me like it was written by some external affairs schmoozer, perhaps over a few "clean" cocktails, and not by TRA's resource planning staff. The TVA says that Clean Line may provide a "potential option for the future needs of the region," but stays far, far away from actually committing to it. TVA says that it is still working on its integrated resource plan, and Clean Line's interconnection study, and that only the TVA Board can decide whether to purchase capacity on Clean Line. But yet TVA President William Johnson thinks Clean Line should be built just so he has some "options" to choose from. Don't we build only the transmission that's actually needed? Don't transmission planners base new lines on actual need? I've never heard of a transmission line approved by an RTO just to provide "options." If TVA decides that wind is the most economic and reliable option for a portion of its resource plan, then it will have plenty of wind "options" to choose from, whether Clean Line is built or not. So, let me get this straight... TVA wants to clear cut a new 700 mile right of way through three states, take land from thousands of citizens through condemnation, depress the economy of "pass through" states, raise electric rates in generating states through increased competition, and encourage Clean Line to borrow billions of dollars to construct this project, just so the TVA can consider it as an "option?" Fortunately, it's a financial impossibility to build Clean Line without firm contracts with shippers and utilities that will provide a collateral income stream. So, guess what? If Clean Line gets built, it will already be fully subscribed, which means that there will be no "option" for TVA's "interest." See paragraph above about other "options." The TVA finishes off its split-personality missive with a disclaimer that negates all the rest of the blather. I note that, while Clean Line might represent an option for TVA and its stakeholders' future, only the TVA Board has the authority to approve exercise of such an option. That Board to-date has not undertaken such an approval. That consideration process will focus on the statutory requirements of least cost, need for the resource, and other matters within the purview of the TVA Board. Sort of sounds like a special fairy tale intended to grease the TRA's approval wheels to me. What a shame. Just when people were starting to have faith in the integrity of the TVA's integrated resource planning process...
megalomaniac |ˌmegəlōˈmānēˌak| The President of floundering Clean Line Energy Partners thinks utilities whose territory his projects pass through would make great investors in the projects. In the future, Skelly says he hopes that utilities, whose territories are crossed by the HVDC lines, could invest in Clean Line. So, sign up today to support Mikey's risky plans for more unregulated transmission lines outside the normal planning process! Because getting a few of Mikey's crumbs is soooooo much better than building your own transmission lines and eating the whole pie. It has been my pleasure to work with Dr. Luther Gerlach a couple of times over the past few years as he continues his studies of transmission line opposition groups. Dr. Gerlach is professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of Minnesota, and has been studying transmission opposition since the 1970s.
In 2013, Luther updated his encyclopedia article, Public Reaction to Transmission Lines (EEI has made the article publicly available for download here). After it was published in 2014, the Edison Electric Institute invited him to present at their recent Utility Siting Workshop. I again participated in discussions with Luther over several months as he put together his presentation for the workshop, Transmission Lines: Characteristics and Effects of Opposition. Discussion with Luther has a way of making you think! During the most recent discussions, Luther shared with me a film he narrated in the 1990s from footage he had acquired during the CU power line fight in Minnesota in the 1970s. This battle was the subject of Paul Wellstone's book, Powerline: The First Battle of America's Energy War, which is sort of a transmission opposition primer. A lot of us have read it to analyze what went wrong with their fight so we can improve on our own. If you haven't read it yet, go get a copy! I downloaded Luther's film, Grassroots Energy, and settled in to watched it by myself. Then I invited a fellow transmission opponent over to watch it with me a second time so we could discuss the similarities to our own fight. Then, with Luther's permission, I shared it with a few other transmission opposition leaders across the country. Now, I can share it here... Download and watch this film! For even more fun, watch it with your transmission opposition buddies and plan a discussion afterwards. Although it's been 40 years since the CU battle, I was struck by how much we're still reacting to new transmission proposals with the same emotions and actions that formed these opposition groups many years ago. We still share information with others, and we still try to find better solutions. Now I'm going to go watch it again... while waiting for better solutions! It's been a long time since I last got a google news alert for "Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline." So long, in fact, I'd forgotten I even had those search terms set to notify. But, just in time for Halloween, the PATH zombie reared its ugly head and I got a notice last week that some right-wing think tank had published a paper where those terms were mentioned, America’s Electricity Grid: Outdated or Underrated? And what did the author have to say about PATH, more than three years after its death? How has history treated this stunningly costly failure of "independent" planning? Despite identification of areas in which transmission capacity is limited, a “not in my backyard” (or anyone else’s, in some cases) attitude toward new transmission line siting has resulted in cancellation or delay of some new transmission lines. It's the opposition that will be remembered, not individual analyses and the fine line that supposedly determined this white elephant was needed. Hey, remember this? PATH's talking heads insisted that opposition had nothing to do with PATH's cancellation. But, history says it did. While the article's conclusions are pretty screwed up, it does a nice job explaining the bulk power system and federal regulation thereof. It's a good "backgrounder" for folks new to the transmission world. Think about how much more reliable our system would be though, if we brought back the "islands" of the past and operated them as smaller parts of the bigger system (aka "microgrids"). Beginning in the late 1920s, electric utilities began to integrate their operations to improve reliability and reduce costs. Previously, utilities had operated as “islands,” meeting the demand for electricity solely from their own generating plants. To ensure reliable service, this meant building extra generating capacity to keep in reserve, in case unexpected problems caused their plants to shut down.[2] By integrating their operations, utilities could provide more reliable service without building as much backup generating capacity. In essence, if a generating plant at Utility A suffered a forced outage, one of Utility B’s generators would be available to ensure the lights stayed on. The concept is similar to diversifying a financial portfolio. Instead of investing everything into just one company’s stock, buying multiple stocks, bonds, and other investments reduces the risk of a sudden financial loss. Microgrids that can be islanded from the larger system at times when the larger system fails (remember Superstorm Sandy?) can continue to provide power for necessary services. And if microgrid "A" suffers a forced outage, it can borrow from microgrid "B", or "C," or "D," or any other nearby microgrid. Relying on just a handful of generators and long-distance transmission lines creates parasitic load pockets with no native generation. Those folks have nowhere to turn in case of emergency.
Building more transmission lines isn't the answer. The answer is a more democratic electric grid system that benefits consumers and local communities, not gigantic, investor-owned utility holding companies. If you were looking forward to watching the PSC evidentiary hearing via the Commission's webcast like I mentioned on the radio last week, change of plans.
There won't be an evidentiary hearing. As I also mentioned, there will be a rate increase. It's only a matter of how much. The Staff of the Public Service Commission, your Consumer Advocate, Wal-Mart and the Energy Users Group have reached a settlement with FirstEnergy "in principle." The exact amount of our rate increase is still under wraps. If FirstEnergy is settling, it probably means us ratepayers are gong to take it in the... wallet. An Indiana utility is apologizing to its customers after failing to read electric meters for months, then issuing gigantic "catch up" bills when finally performing an actual meter read. Remind you of anyone? Vectren's excuse is that its meter reading contractor simply quit reading meters at the end of its contract period when it knew it would not be receiving a new contract. The company says that the 400 customers affected can pay their gigantic bills in smaller increments, without interest. The company has "put a formal communications plan in place." This means they're spinning and trying to downplay the true magnitude of the problem. The Courier Press says the problem is much bigger than Vectren has admitted. The Courier & Press began investigating this issue after receiving a call from a local business owner on Friday concerned that her bill had tripled without warning. The Courier & Press characterizes the problem as affecting "thousands" of customers. The Indiana Regulatory Commission doesn't seem to see this as a problem. But mistake or no, customers whose bills were underestimated must pay up, said the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. This utility failure probably couldn't come at a worse time of year for struggling families. No Christmas this year, kiddies, Mommy & Daddy have to pay the electric bill instead!
Seems to me that if the problem was caused by a contractor that did not live up to its legal obligations, then Vectren and/or the affected customers have a clear course of action. Unless... maybe Vectren isn't being honest about this and is scapegoating a contractor they no longer do business with? You'd think the Indiana Regulatory Commission would at least want to get to the bottom of this. At any rate, the Courier & Press wants to know what the people think -- Should utilities be permitted to estimate customers’ bills for periods longer than one month? As we found out here in West Virginia when thousands of customers were abused in exactly the same fashion by FirstEnergy, meters should be read every month. Just when we were ready to make Kevin Gates an official member of the Sodom on the Potomac Super Hero Club, he's folded his tent and disappeared. Pretty disappointing, after the terrific fight Kevin and his brother Rich have been putting up, claiming to have been wrongly accused and harassed by FERC for years. Kevin says: Powhatan Energy Fund has decided to take down its website at www.ferclitigation.com. And, while the site is down, Powhatan will be declining all new requests to speak with the media and requests to present at conferences. RTO Insider has a nice summary of the mystery here.
Too bad, Kevin.. SotPSHC is a very exclusive club! |
About the Author Keryn Newman blogs here at StopPATH WV about energy issues, transmission policy, misguided regulation, our greedy energy companies and their corporate spin.
In 2008, AEP & Allegheny Energy's PATH joint venture used their transmission line routing etch-a-sketch to draw a 765kV line across the street from her house. Oooops! And the rest is history. About